January 24, 2011

Finally! Its time to go get our son and we are more than ready.

We have been waiting since November 25th to hear about when we could go back to Ethiopia and bring A* home with us.  We finally got the call on Friday last week and have booked our tickets to Ethiopia!  We'll leave February 2nd and return on Feb 11th.

Its a longer trip this time and unlike the last trip we will have the company of 7 other adopting families during our stay.  Our schedule will include, several long visits to the care center with A*, his nanny's and pediatrician, some sightseeing, cultural dinners, Embassy appointment (where we will receive the official paperwork we need to bring A* home), a 6 hour trip to the rural southern part of Ethiopia and a farewell party.  We will take custody of this beautiful little boy most likely on Monday evening 2/7 and bring him back to the hotel with us...forever.

Aside from bringing home our son, one of the most exciting parts of this trip is the opportunity to meet any remaining birth relatives that A* may have when we make the long trip to Durame, a town in the southern part of Ethiopia.  This meeting is optional for both the relatives and ourselves and we are hopeful that they will choose to come and meet us. It will no doubt be an overwhelming, emotional and incredible experience.
Thanks to my sister, Deva and Heidi for the bounty of hand-me-downs